Thursday, April 13, 2006

People who lie to your face

I'd wana smash you too, blonde cunt.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Stagger Vs. Dylan

Monday, April 03, 2006


thats a mug you dont wanna chug


Fuckin hicks anyone who has a mullet should have 2 metre wide poles rammed up their ass, what a fucktard

hot sluts

biggest loser in the world award goes to nick lachey what a dumb fuck who wouldnt want to lick that ass hole every night......i would care if she had explosive dirreaha when i was licking it

Smart Fuck

did someone say honey

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Fucktards cont.

Oh shit because you've got your Ferrari jacket on at the Grand Prix.. or your BMW Williams jacket, I'm gonna think that you're some ex-driver..fuckwit.

Cunts that strut around the office with mugs that have writing on them

I hope the coffee tastes really bad, fucktard.

Fucktards cont.

Have a long hard look at yourself in your rear-view, then kill yourself.